2018 Goals: 3/25 Update

March is almost over. It is almost April! So we are essentially four months into the year. I made a lot of goals and resolutions for 2018. I'm hoping that this year is the year that there is change! I crave a change in my life. So far this year, I've been down and I've been up. I feel a lot better than I have in months, but I'm still not feeling great. I have accomplished a bunch on my list!

Goals and Resolutions for 2018
  • Marathon/RunI would like to either run in a marathon or a fun-run type activity. I am not good at running or walking for that matter, so that is one thing I'd like to do in 2018. I feel like training for it alone would help my health.
  • Go to the beachAs a person who lived near the beach for 14 years of their life, I never liked the beach. I went to one in 2015 (the Bahamas) and fell in love with it. I want to go this year with Jude since he has never seen a beach (except in pictures). 
  • Create a fragrance free bath bomb recipe. I am allergic to fragrances, but I like the idea of bath bombs. I want to create a fragrance free recipe and make a bunch to put on an etsy shop.
  • Learn to dance. Take a dance class, even if it is just once or consistently. It is something I have always wanted to learn to do.
  • Make a recipe book (or e-book). I want to collect a bunch of my favorite recipes or the recipes I use most into an easy-to-use book or e-book. 
  • Learn how to play chess. 
  • Write a letter for every moment of Jude's life. This sounds very morbid, but I have watched two movies where the parent writes a letter for every moment in their life in case they miss it. I like the idea because you never know what may happen. Morbid, I know.
  • Improve my memory.
  • Fix my sleeping schedule and improve my quality of sleep.
  • Survive my last semester of graduate school. Graduating in May 2018!
  • Buy a sudoku puzzle book and finish the entire thing.
  • Complete a puzzle with more like 300 pieces.
  • Go hiking. 
  • Read every book I own.
  • Eat smaller portions, more proteins and fats, and less carbs/sugars (and lose 20-30 lbs).
  • Learn self-acceptance. 
  • Volunteer.
  • Spa day. I would like to have one day in 2018 where I get pampered and rejuvenated. 
  • Earn or save more money. 
  • Buy Jude a Clay Center membership.
  • Buy a house. 
  • Wake up earlier. Earlier than 10 A.M.
  • Learn about a country I have always wanted to know about. And I'll post what I learn here on the blog! Maybe I will do a few different countries...
  • Go shooting. It's been a hot minute.
  • Go zip-lining.
  • Create a photo album of 2017.
  • Attend a concert/show.
  • Get a new tattoo. Because seventeen of them is not enough.
  • Attend an open mic night.
  • Wine tasting or beer sampling. I do not like beer, but it is a new year to try new things, right?
  • Focus on my health care needs. I've been dealing with some health stuff since September 2017. I've had a few referrals (as of 1/7/18 - they haven't contacted me). I found a new helpful doctor. I want the things that make me feel bad to be fixed.
  • Focus on my mental health care needs. Since April 2017, my mental health has slowly been depleting (anxiety, depression, etc). This is going to be a major priority in 2018!
  • Make better friends, cut my losses. I'm really bad at letting go of toxic people in my life. One thing I'm going to do, make more friends and cut my losses on the toxic ones. That doesn't mean that some of the friends I have now aren't considered "non-toxic friends", I just want to make more of those non-toxic friends.
  • Travel for graduation. I think I want to travel as a part of my graduation present to myself. Whether that's to visit my sister or to another country.
  • See my sister and nephew(s). I haven't seen my sister since 2012. That's almost 6 years. A lot happens in 6 years. I want to see her finally.
  • Minimalize. My house is cluttered with things in storage or knick-knacks or "what if I need this later on" things. No more! Selling all of it. Throwing the non-sellable things away. De-clutter. Minimalize. It's a home, not a museum or a storage unit.
  • Start a YouTube channel. I love blogging. Don't get me wrong. I will still do that as well. but I really want to post videos too, even if just once a week or month. 
  • Go bowling.
  • Go ice-skating.
  • Go roller-skating.
  • Build something. A birdhouse. A table. A chair. A picture frame. Build. Something.
  • A photo shoot. Not for me! For someone else. I want to fall in love with the camera again.
  • Be comfortable driving by myself again.
  • Decide if I'm having another child in 2019. IUD gets changed out. It's now or never! 
  • Read all of the books from my 2018 books to read list.
  • Fix my damn shift key on my laptop.
  • Pay off my credit card debt.
  • Discover new music. 
  • Go to the movies more.
  • Stop worrying about what other people think of me.
  • Go for walks more often.
  • Decide if I want to go into a doctorate program.
  • Maintain a clean and organized house.
  • Make a life plan.
  • Go visit my friend, Shelby, in Atlanta.
  • 40th Annual Italian Heritage Festival. August 31 through September 2, 2018 in Clarksburg, WV. I really would like to take a weekend trip with my mom to really enjoy ourselves and get in touch with our roots.
  • Ancestry kit.
I have accomplished ten things on my goals list! Now that it is warming up, it'll be easier to do some of the stuff on my list. If you see something on this list you want to do (bowling, ice skating, etc.), contact me! Let's knock it off our lists.

Let's do it to it. Let's make 2018 the best year yet. 


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