December 16th: Brighten Up The World.
Today is December 16th. There are 9 days until Christmas and 15 days left until 2018. The days are ticking by like the seconds on a clock. I feel like I barely get to enjoy the day because I wake up and it's time for bed merely minutes later (or so it feels).
Do you ever have a stressful or bad day? Do you feel like crap emotionally some days? Sometimes you just feel like you need a good shoulder to lean on or someone to lend a ear? I have had a crap week. It's been emotionally taxing. A friend of mine (Hey Kacie!) messaged me and said something nice and it completely pulled me out of an emotional slump!
Today's task: Tell someone something nice today! Make their day. If you know someone is going through an emotional slump, tell them a joke or compliment them.
Here's some ideas:
- Your smile is contagious.
- You look great today.
- You're a smart cookie.
- I bet you make babies smile.
- You have impeccable manners.
- I like your style.
- You have the best laugh.
- I appreciate you.
- You are the most perfect you there is.
- You are enough.
- You're strong.
- Your perspective is refreshing.
- You're an awesome friend.
- You light up the room.
- You should be proud of yourself.
- You're more helpful than you realize.
- You have a great sense of humor.
- You're all that and a super-size bag of chips.
- On a scale from 1 to 10, you're an 11.
- You are brave.
- You are making a difference.
- You're like sunshine on a rainy day.
- You bring out the best in other people.
- You're a great listener.
- You were cool way before hipsters were cool.
- Hanging out with you is always a blast.
- You always know -- and say -- exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
- Being around you makes everything better!
- You're wonderful.
- You have cute elbows.
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