The Orville (2017) Premiere Review

Seth MacFarlane and I share a few similarities. We were both born on October 26th. We both are fairly liberal. We both love Star Trek. His new creation is The Orville, which premiered this past Sunday (September 10th) on FOX.

I was skeptical of this show for a few reasons. It isn't an animated series, which seems to be Seth MacFarlane's specialty. I didn't want it to disgrace scientific fiction or Star Trek. I love Star Trek more than most people I know. I'm not a super fan, but I'm a definite fan. It was a large part of my childhood. The Orville is a comedy. Will it contain the usual slapstick comedy or would I be cracking up the entire episode? 

- I have a feeling that the Doctor will be a sassy woman who creates some soft humor. 
- This robot reminds me of Data. Voice and all. The mirroring between Star Trek/TNG and The Orville is uncanny. 
- I wonder if Gene Roddenberry would have been proud of this spoof of his work. Or liked it at least. 
- The Captain's ex wife is from another television show I watch. Agents of SHIELD. She's so pretty. 
- I'm having trouble remembering names of characters.
- This definitely has a Star Trek vibe.
- I feel like this could have been Star Trek: The Orville

I really enjoyed The Orville as an ode to Star Trek, but it's hard to get past how similar it is to the Original Series. Seth MacFarlane is a fellow Trekkie, which probably explains the amount of similarities between the two, but it's almost like watching Star Trek: The Orville rather than a sci-fi comedy series. I will say that The Orville did accomplish comedy of some form throughout its premiere episode.

Will I watch again? Probably. I enjoy Star Trek and I'm curious to see the direction this show will take. I watch Seth MacFarlane television shows regularly, so it's up my alley.  I have a hard time thinking it will last longer than season one though. So enjoy as you feel necessary. 


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